Friday 18 May 2012

Blackberry Article!

Cassy: I really don’t understand why Rukky has to spill her body parts on her dp all the time

Rukky: huh?

Cassy: now it’s your boobs splashing all over my blackberry!

Rukky: oh please! It’s just a picture…

Cassy: you do realise that you have contacts that would find this your habit annoying

Ella: heehee!

Rukky: Cassy, it’s just breasts! 2 out of every 3 human beings on earth have a pair!

Cassy: My husband is on your bb, isn’t he?

Rukky: you gave me his pin, remember? Cos you wanted him to get those Chanel sunglasses I was selling, and you wanted it displayed on my dp for 3 weeks so he could see it! Uughhh!

Taurus: come on, girls. Are you brewing for a fight?

Rukky: I don’t know oh!

Cassy: all I’m saying is Rukky shouldn’t always feel the need to show off her body parts…

Rukky: why?!

Ella: because Cassy’s husband is on your bb, and so are other married men who should be blindfolded.

Rukky: haha!

Cassy: Ella, you are just an agbaya!

Taurus: Ok ok, let’s deal with this: Cassy, would you rather she takes your husband off her contact list?

Cassy: that’s not the point…

Rukky: then what is the point?!!!!

Cassy: don’t scream at me!!!!

Ella: hey ladies…easy nah!!!

Rukky: See, this is who I am. I like my body…I don’t have to pretend to be anybody else…and it’s my dp, if you don’t like it delete me!

Taurus: No, Rukky. That is not the solution. Cassy is your friend and if she has a problem with nudity…

Rukky: what I have on my dp is NOT nudity! It’s just a chunk of boobie flesh. What’s the big deal?!

Cassy: the big deal is you are not a teenager; and it is distasteful for me finding my husband staring at your dp at midnight!!!!

Ella: Oh. My. God.

Taurus: wow…

Rukky: Cassy you can’t be serious…

Cassy: oh yes I bloody am! Just take those breasts of yours, begging to be sucked by a baby, out of the way!

Taurus: girls, why don’t we just all exhale…ok?

Rukky: I think the best thing is to take your husband off my bb, cos I don’t want you telling me what pictures I should have on there.

Ella: but…was he really staring at Rukky’s dp at midnight?

Taurus: Ella stop!

Cassy: I think he’s cheating on me…

Rukky: not with me oh! I would never…

Taurus: Rukky, of course we know that!

Ella: your husband cannot cheat on you, Cassy. He loves you…

Cassy: he sent someone his…

Ella: his what?

Cassy: his….thing…

Taurus: what thing?

Cassy: his thing!

Rukky: Oh lawd! You mean his….

Cassy: yes, his thing. He was in the shower, he had a call. I picked it up and after that my fingers just went to some other keys on the phone, and there it was…

Ella: you sure it was his? I mean…his thing?

Cassy: 5 years in marriage, Ella. Shouldn’t I know what it looks like?

Taurus: wow!

Cassy: and then the next day, I saw Oma’s picture on his phone. He obviously forgot to compress the picture before sleeping off.

Rukky: I’m sorry, Cassy. I am innocent. It wasn’t me he sent his thing to.

Taurus: Oh shut up, Rukky! We know that!

Cassy: I think this whole blackberry thing is not just for us, you know. A man of his calibre, sitting around at midnight ogling at breasts and sending his “thing” around. Chatting up silly young girls. It’s just so disgusting.

Taurus: Cassy, you should talk to him. Tell him what you know…

*Hey people, how do you think Cassy should approach her man on this matter? Let’s hear it!*

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