Thursday 10 May 2012

Helicopter with 14 people on board ditches in North Sea off Aberdeen

A helicopter carrying 14 people has ditched in the North Sea.
Grampian Police said it was forced down 25 miles off the coast of Aberdeen.
There are not thought to be any injuries.

Escape: No injuries have been reported in the accident, off the coast of Aberdeen
A police spokesman said: 'We received a report that a helicopter had ditched in the North Sea at 12.15 today.'
The aircraft is a Bond Offshore helicopter, understood to support North Sea oil and gas rigs.
Bond said the 14 passengers and two crew are safe and in a liferaft waiting to be picked up.
A spokesman for Bond Offshore said the aircraft made a 'controlled descent' and had not crashed.
He said: 'The helicopter is an EC225. A low pressure oil warning light came on and the helicopter made a controlled descent and landed in the North Sea. It didn't crash.
'The 14 passengers and two crew are safe and are in the liferaft.'
An Aberdeen RNLI spokesman said he believed the situation was 'positive'.
He said crews launched just under an hour ago and were heading to the scene along with rescue helicopters.
He said: 'I believe it is positive, but we have very limited information at the moment.'

Culled from: Dailymail

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