Friday 11 May 2012

Schoolgirl, 13, who died of brain haemorrhage saves lives of eight others by donating her organs

A schoolgirl who died from a brain haemorrhage aged 13 has saved the lives of eight people by donating her organs and will help a further two regain their sight.
Jemima Layzell had discussed organ donation with her parents and told them she wanted her body to help save others in the event of her death.

Her selfless wish was realised when she suddenly collapsed at home in Horton, Somerset, and died in hospital from a massive bleed in her brain.
Schoolgirl Jemima Layzell discussed organ donation with her parents (Picture: SWNS)

Since her death her heart has gone to a five-year-old boy, a 14-year-old was given her lungs and her liver was split between two boys, aged ten months and five.
Two people, aged 19 and 24, received her kidneys, a 40-year-old man was given her pancreas and her small bowel has changed the life of a boy aged three-and-a-half.

Jemima - who wanted to become an author - also donated eye tissue which will restore the sight of two people.

Her proud parents, photographer Harvey, 43, and mum Sophy, 38, today paid tribute to their daughter, who passed away on March 14.

They said: 'Jemima was lovely - clever, funny, compassionate and creative.

'She was a brilliant artist but planned to be an author and left many poems, songs, stories and also serious thoughts about her life and the world's problems and delights.

'She also thought about and discussed death and said of her wish to be an organ donor when she died.

'Eight people have benefited from vital parts of her beautiful young healthy body including five young children.

'Jemima was much loved, was fiercely loyal and cherished her many friends and sister.

'She has left a lasting legacy and example to others, by being an organ donor.

'It is so sad and we all miss her terribly and it seems such a waste of wonderful potential, but Jemima's short life was so full of joy and achievement and finally such generosity - to be celebrated and always remembered.'

Jemima suddenly collapsed at home during preparations for her mother's 38th birthday party at 6.30pm on March 10.

She had extreme pain in her head and lost consciousness. The teenager had suffered a massive bleed caused by a ruptured giant aneurysm deep in the left side of her brain.

Her family called 999 and Jemima was taken to Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, Somerset, and later transferred to Frenchay Hospital in Bristol.

She passed away at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children on March 14 as she could not recover from the effects of the major haemorrhage.

Her parents said 'beloved and courageous' Jemima, a pupil of £15,000-per-year Taunton School, had 'spurred' her mother into co-founding MAdD performing arts school.

They added: 'She was quite serious but also enjoyed silly games, consequences, paper games, treasure hunts and tree climbing.

"She usually carted around a large bag with school essentials, her private diary and several books.'

Jemima kept a detailed diary which her parents now hope to get published,

A memorial will be held for her at Taunton School Chapel later this month.

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