Monday 30 April 2012

Wife Of Former Police IGP, Micheal Okiro Dies After A Freak Accident In Her Bathroom

Wife of former Inspector General of Police, Sir Mike Mbama Okiro, has died after she slipped and fell in her bathroom.

Hera Okiro, the woman named in a bank loan controversy shortly after Mr. Okiro stepped down as IG died after a freak accident in her bathroom. Family sources said Mrs. Okiro could not be reached on time after she fell on her head in a bathtub in the former IG's home last Thursday.

She was sixty one.

A banker by profession, Hera was named in a bank loan fraud in 2009 shortly after her husband retired as IG, she was named in her capacity as the managing director of Hekiro Nigeria limited, a company used by the former IG to secure contracts from AGIP/ENI oil company and bank loans from the defunct Lead Bank of Nigeria.

In July 2009 the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) accused Mrs Okiro of borrowing a total of N166. 597 million between 2000 and 2001 from the defunct Lead Bank, the bank loan was never repaid according to the NDIC.

Family sources said Mrs. Okiro is survived by several children mostly members of the former IG's family business, Hekiro Nigeria Limited.