Saturday 9 June 2012

Driver absconds with master’s three kids, new car

A driver in Abuja has absconded with three of his mater’s children.

The kids are: Chinemere Anusiem (five), Okechukwu Anusiem (four) and Nzube Anusiem (two).

The driver, identified as Godwin Tikia, has worked in the Anusiem household for about three months before becoming the prime suspect in a suspected kidnap saga, which happened on Thursday.

Very little is said to be known about the suspect, but it was confirmed that he is a Tiv man from Benue State.

His last known permanent home address was an area located around Ogli’oko Secondary School, North Bank, Makurdi.

He was said to have picked up the children from school as
he had done for the three months he had been in the employ of the family.

This time, he did so in the family’s new lemon grey Toyota Avensis, which had no registration number.

The mother of the three children, who recently gave birth to another baby, was too traumatised to speak when our correspondent visited the family residence at Utako on Friday. Her husband was not at home.

All Mrs. Anusiem could muster strength to say amid sobs was, “I just want my children back home; please, bring them back home.”

However, a relative, who pleaded for anonymity, said, “Yesterday (Thursday) was not the first time the driver will be going to the school to pick the children.

“Their mother just put to bed about one week ago. If not, she could have gone there herself.

“When the driver picked the children, he even called their father that he had picked them from school and that he was on his way home. That was the last time they heard from him.”

Asked whether there was an unresolved dispute between the woman and the driver, the source said, “She doesn’t have any issues with the driver.

“Up till now, we have not heard from him; the car is a new one, if it is the car that he wanted he would have taken it and left our children.

“The matter has been reported to the police and the guarantor has been arrested.”

News credit: Punch

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