Friday 1 June 2012

BET Awards Nominated Artist ICE PRINCE MAN’S UP, Admits he is a Dad!

In the first week of March 2012, news broke that Ice Prince, Chocolate City/Loopy Records artist, was the father of a new baby boy. He had sex with a twenty (20) year old University student, one thing led to another and before he could say, “baby,” he was a father. It’s a new world and there are more people having children out of wedlock than ever before. From my personal and professional perspective, having represented juveniles charged for crimes in the legal court system here, it is a very bumpy and emotionally aching life for children raised without fathers in the home. Children need their fathers as much as they need their mommies.

Nevertheless, the news of Ice Prince having a baby was not that big a deal because, again, it is so common place here and in Nigeria’s music industry, it seems this is also becoming common place. The big deal, for me, was his vehement denial and (un)willingness to own up to his responsibility. Needless to say, I discussed the Family Law aspect of the case in general and of course said Ice Prince needed to MAN UP!

Two months later, the updated news is that Ice Prince has owned up to his responsibility and is taking care of his baby. I have a feeling the men who lead by example i.e. Yahaya and Audu Maikori, among the men who run Chocolate City Records, set the bar and expectations for how Ice Prince, as a young maturing man, ought to behave.

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