Friday 1 June 2012

Rapper 2Shotz Accused of Scamming Lead University Students Out of 100,000 Naira

College students at Lead University in Nigeria have dedicated a website solely to share their story on how they were allegedly defrauded by Rapper 2Shotz.

The allegations raise legal issues of a breach of oral contract, fraud and conversion, among other possible claims they could sue 2Shotz for under Nigerian contract law. However, these students figure the power of publicity via media/bloggers and social media is just as strong and less expensive. They chose the latter and have dedicated a website to tell their story as well as shared the news with the press and bloggers.

Artists, promoters are now suing for breach of contract. We saw many suits and altercations, over money and performance, emerge last year among some really popular names including P-Square and Naeto C. Folks, iron out your terms in your live performance agreements beforehand.

News credit: Africamusiclaw

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