Wednesday 9 May 2012

Kris Humphries Wants Kim's Divorce Deposition Taped

Things look like getting increasingly messy in Kim Kardashian's divorce from Kris Humphries.

In the wake of their split after 72 days, Kris is reported to have said his estranged wife can avoid a bitter court battle by publicly admitting that the marriage was a fake.

Since Kim has always maintained that she married for love, it looks increasingly unlikely that the pair can settle things amicably, and Kris is rumoured to be "looking forward" to seeing Kimmy in court.

Now US reports suggest Humphries even wants the reality star's deposition videotaped to be used as evidence if necessary.

According to Radar Online, Kris' legal team have told Kim's lawyer, Lauren Wasser, that he intends to record the deposition.

A source told the website: "This is done in case a witness becomes unavailable at trial, and the deposition can be used as evidence.

"Kardashian's camp has vowed to vehemently fight having the deposition taped, they don't think it's necessary and are afraid it could get leaked to the media, despite assurances from Kris' lawyer all video evidence will be kept in a safe and won't see the light of day until the trial."

It is thought Humphries is also keen to find out what happened to a Ferrari that was given to the couple as a wedding gift.

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