Friday 4 May 2012

First lady to launch female drivers training scheme

Wife of President Goodluck Jonathan, Dame Patience Jonathan will on Friday flag of a new job scheme for women known as the Lady Chauffeur Training Scheme (LCTS) designed to train young female Nigerians to become professional drivers.

The scheme, which is collaboration between the office of the First Lady and the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) will have 200 beneficiaries in the first phase in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

A press statement signed by the spokesman for the NDE Edmund Onwuliri said the objectives of the scheme include creating a pool of female drivers that will meet the needs of the labour market in Abuja and the immediate environment.

Onwuliri said the scheme will also create wealth and job satisfaction as a result of choosing driving as a trade and impart the spirit of professionalism and commitment in driving as a profession.

He added that the training which is expected to last two months will consist of both practical and theoretical components and will be handled by a government accredited driving school, the Federal Road Safety Commission, Nigerian Police and the FCT Directorate of Road Traffic Services popularly called V.I.O.

The NDE will provide the trainees with stipends while in training and the driving school will issue certificates of completion to the trainees at the end of the training exercise.


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