Friday 4 May 2012

Oluchi joins Asa,Nneka on Twitter’s verification list

Joining the likes of Asa, Nneka and footballer, Odemwinge who recently had their Twitter accounts verified, internationally acclaimed model, Oluchi, has also got her account on point.

Showtime gathered this when we caught up with the model on Twitter, where she tweeted about the good news of Twitter authenticating her Twitter account.

The model tweeted, showing her joy and happiness, which means that the operators of the social network, Twitter recognizes her personality and contributions to the globe.

My Twitter Account @OLUCHI is VERIFIED!!! *Wooohooo*’, she tweeted.

It would be recalled that just recently, Showtime reported that social network, Twitter, had verified international singer, Asa’s account with them. Others who have also enjoyed such privilege include singer, Nneka and Super Eagles’ Peter Odemwinge.

Twitter introduced the verification programme in June 2008, as a means of allowing celebrities to authenticate their accounts, guarding against fraudsters and hackers.

This programme also allows users who are followers of theses celebrities to differentiate who the real account of celebrities as against imposters.


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